Emmanuel Guillaume Gerald (Born 5 November 1986) known as Emry Ghill is a singer-songwriter currently living in Belgium.
Emry Ghill was born in Tours, France. He grows up in Blois where he follows classical singing lessons at 11 and learns piano by himself. At 17, he returns to his hometown to start English literature studies, that he will finish with a memoir on Charles Dickens, written between Lille and London, where he spends most of his time.
In 2007, Emry gets several student jobs before dropping everything to settle down in Brussels, Belgium. There, he is introduced to AMAURY GHEYSENS, his friend and guitarist ever since. Together, they are part of a cover band called Bliss that performs in the bars. The duet leaves the band when Emry wishes to work on his own compositions.
In 2010, he joins singer Kylian’n in France to contribute to the ARRACH’TOUR with Guillaume Segovia.
In 2014, on his way back from San Francisco, Emry Ghill has a plane accident causing him irreversible tinnitus and compromising his career as a singer. After re-education sessions, he decides to keep up singing and composing, inspired by pop and jazz artists like Jack Johnson, Tina Dico, Jesse Harris, Kt Tunstall, Jamie Cullum and Norah Jones. One particularity in his voice is the use of blue notes, which are sung slightly at a different pitch from standard for expressive purposes, usually altered between a quatertone and a semitone .
In 2018, he meets Silvano Macaluso with who he plans to record his first album.
In 2019, Emry Ghill and Amaury Gheysens post videos of covers on social medias and are reunited with Silvano Macaluso to make their first album at HEMISPHERE MUSIC STUDIO, in Belgium. The trio records it in four days, revealing it as intimate, soul, pop, folk and mainly created around the guitar.
In March 2020, the album Shadows goes out on every streaming platforms. It tells the story of the singer’s past's shadows, whether it is people, moments or emotions that punctuated his life between France and Belgium.
The same month, he is noticed for his participation in Silva’s cover of WE ARE THE WORLD with 60 other Belgian confined artists during the coronavirus crisis.
As his career is starting over in Belgium and France, Emry learns in July 2022 he has the same genetic disease as his mother, a myopathy FSHD, which touches every superior muscles of the body and the abdomen. He decided then to slow down and perform less live but more in the studios. Given the gravity of this disease, he's surrounded by many specialists but also by experts who helps him working on his technique to limit the impact of the disease on his breath and voice. Emry supports the research against myopathy actively.